
年度 論文名稱
2002 J. Tsai and C.T. Sun, Measuring Dynamic Fracture Toughness in Polymeric Composites, International Symposium on Experimental Mechanics, Taipei, Taiwan, 會議論文(Others), 2002-12-28-2002-12-30
2002 J. Tsai and C.T. Sun, The Effect of Platelet Dispersion on the Load Transfer Efficiency in Nanoclay Composites, Proceedings of The American Society for Composites, 17th Technical Conference, West Lafayette, Indiana, 會議論文(Others), 2002-10-21-2002-10-24
2002 C.T. Sun and J.L. Tsai, Strain Rate Effect on Compressive and Shear Strengths of Polymeric Composites, the Fourteenth U.S. National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Blacksburg, Virginia, 會議論文(Others), 2002-06-23-2002-06-28
2002 C.T. Sun and J.L. Tsai, The Effect of Platelet Distribution on the Modulus of Nanoclay Composites, the Fourteenth U.S. National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Blacksburg, Virginia, 會議論文(Others), 2002-06-23-2002-06-28
2001 C.T. Sun and J.L. Tsai, Comparison of Microbuckling Model and Kink Band Model in Predicting Compressive Strengths of Composites, the 13th International Conference on Composite Materials, Beijing, China, 會議論文(Others), 2001-06-25-2001-06-29
2000 J. Tsai and C.T. Sun, Strain Rate Effect on Dynamic Compressive Failures in Off-Axis Glass-Epoxy Composites, Proceedings of the 2000 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Orlando, Florida, 會議論文(Others), 2000-11-05-2000-11-10
2000 J. Tsai and C.T. Sun, Nonlinear Constitutive Model for High Strain Rate Response in Polymeric Composites, Proceedings of The American Society for Composites, Fifteenth Technical Conference, 會議論文(Others)
1999 C.T. Sun and J. Tsai, Dynamic Interlaminar Fracture Toughness in Polymeric Composites, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Composite Materials, Paris, France, 會議論文(Others), 1999-07-05-1999-07-09
1998 C.T. Sun and J. Tsai, Mixed Mode Dynamic Delamination Crack Propagation in Polymeric Composites, Proceedings of the 13th U. S. National Congress of Applied Mechanics, Gainesville, FL, 會議論文(Others), 1998-06-21-1998-06-26